Sunriver Trails Project

Sunriver, OR


For over eight years, Century West has worked closely with the Sunriver Owners Association (SROA) to assist in the modernization and rehabilitation of the extensive bicycle and pedestrian pathway system throughout the Sunriver community. The pioneering system of off-street pathways, pedestrian undercrossings, and atgrade crossings is lauded by many as an example of a bicycle/pedestrian-friendly community. Century West has assisted each year in the design and bidding for the systematic full-depth reclamation of the existing pathway system and the creation of new pathways.

In 2018, Century West led the design and construction management of a pre-cast concrete tunnel undercrossing dedicated to bicycle and pedestrian use. These projects, as part of the larger pathway improvement program, have provided a wealth of experience for our design team to foresee and mitigate utility conflicts, coordinate with stakeholders, and address grading challenges associated with pathway design and construction.

Throughout these projects, the team found that close coordination with utility stakeholders was key to construction success. Having coordinated early with the correct contacts at each utility, unforeseen and varying utility conditions discovered during construction were easily and efficiently resolved in the field. Additionally, the design team put considerable effort into balancing the needs of accessibility grades and stormwater management site grading as the site was a local drainage low area. Ultimately, stormwater was able to be mitigated on site while achieving the required pathway grades.

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