
As a professional services company, Century West understands that our staff is our most important asset. Our clients keep coming back to us because of their relationships with the responsive, informed, and talented people who work here. From Northern Idaho to Southern Oregon, we work as a team to deliver high quality municipal and aviation consulting services.

Kelsey Parpart, CPSM
Portland, Oregon
Marketing & Recruiting
Kelsey has more than 10 years of A/E/C marketing experience related to marketing strategy development and implementation, business development, proposal writing and layout, and marketing team management. With a background in technical editing and publishing, she is committed to developing professional marketing content and using her skills to improve deliverables firm-wide. Kelsey is passionate about creating and maintaining relationships among consultants, clients, and the community that result in strong local projects.
  • What would surprise people about you? I grew up on Sesame Street.
  • What is your dream vacation? Staying in one of those glass-bottom, overwater bungalows in Tahiti.
  • What is your favorite quote? “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” - Oscar Wilde.